I deeply believes that having a good working environment is very necessary to create and succeeds any kinds of jobs you’re working on. A good work place can be in any kinds of shapes or designs but primarily it has to be setup in a way that would make you feel comfortable to be around with. On the other hand building your workplace to be efficient and affective is also a matter that can help you working on your progression in the workshop or studio.

One of the examples about efficient yet simple workspaces I’ve seen was through a documentary called the Minimalist. In the 1 hours 18 minutes video, it explains to us with several demonstration about how people live with only the necessary items around their environment and why it’s a good choice to do so. I think there’s a lot that can be learned from this video and the people who firstly managed this kinds of living style is really brilliant and excellent.

In conclusion, it’s very important to create a nice and suitable environment around you that makes working easier and more relaxing, yet also more efficient and more productive.


By Richard Yu

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