Research progression for the “Demostration” project

This is a blog section established specifically for documenting the progressesion of my Demonstration project. The blog will contain multiple sections of primary and secondary research including the tasks required to complete throughout the Christmas holiday period.

  • Primary Research Tasks

1, Undertake a survey to gather a broad range of opinions and information on the sort of issues people feel strongly about.

For this part of the task, I made a poll on Google form (link: and gathered a number of responses from several of my close friends. The opinions about the issues they had addressed are stated as the following:

Anonymous reply 1,

I think sexism is a topic I really care about, or rather the unequal treatment and serial objectification towards women compared to men. I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen to men, but often the men I sometimes complain about cannot relate to me at all. For example often in the workplace, whenever a woman would state her opinion or idea it is disregarded, but if a male colleague would state the same but in different words, it is all of a sudden a great thing. Or the fact that women are more often interrupted when they speak in meetings. The most important aspect might be the unequal pay women receive and the time it takes for women to finish something with certain clients because their authority is undermined because of their sex. I think it’s important because a lot of it is rooted in the way we interact with each other and this makes it difficult to change. Women would be described based on looks and men on their capabilites, which in my opinion is very senior. I hope I’ve explained it enough, if not don’t hesitate to ask me for more!

Anonymous reply 2,

Sexism. I find talking about it important because most people don’t even realize when they’re being sexist. so talking and spreading awareness and teaching people about this is crucial.

Anonymous reply 3,

The thing that is really important to me is development, in practically every sense of the word. Development of my own, in many directions, the development of my environment, development as a universal right available to all, simply the possibility of acquiring what is necessary for progress.

Anonymous reply 4,

I find myself relates to bullying the most as I had experiences of being bullied in schools before. Bullying can be found in different races, ages, cultures, places and genders. Bullying always lead to violence, unrest or unhappiness. In order to live in a peaceful society without bullying, it can be done by people learning how to show respect to one another. I consider respect as one of the basic core values for one should equip. If everyone practices this same core value, there would not be any victim like me with all the unnecessary traumatised memories and I might actually be a different person today… as in I would have more self-esteem and able to accomplish more goals in life.

Anonymous reply 5,

Sexism, because it’s something that still happens everyday, in other countries, in our countries. And even to myself. I have been going through and its terrible. I as a woman did a “men” job and in the end the men put me into their lunch room to clean it up because i was a woman, it hurt me so badly. And i know men go through sexism too but let me tell them they see it more on the internet tham in reallife because my personal experoence i know more women who had gone through this and no men..

Anonymous reply 6,

Protecting the environment is so important to me. I’m even a vegan, I always recycle when I can, and I reduce my energy usage. The Earth is so beautiful and so are the animals that inhabit it!

Anonymous reply 7,

Protecting the environment is so important to me. I’m even a vegan, I always recycle when I can, and I reduce my energy usage. The Earth is so beautiful and so are the animals that inhabit it!Meat consumption isn’t needed in most modern countries. At the very least, it shouldn’t be done on such a big scale. I think that it’s important because methane gases produced by cows affect our climate a lot, cattle also take up a lot of land. Of course there are some farms where they use a small amount of space but that is even worse as those animals live in cages and have a horrible quality of life. We also have to grow a lot of crops to produce a small amount of meat. Meat consumption isn’t ethical and the ways in which we treat and slaughter cattle isn’t kind. We could at least find ways to minimize the suffering and fear those animals go through.

Anonymous reply 8,

Discrimination is one of the top topics i find important to which people should more focus on. Because of that lack of understanding people get treated the way which they don’t deserve without a chance to express themselves. We all shall look to understand before judging anybody.

General conclusion based on the results of the responses: Most of the people find Sexism or Bullying to be the primary subject of what they care about the most. These issues addresses a phenomenon in the human society about the fact that one group of people with several advantages declared themselves greater or superior than the other people, which further developed in to a circumstances where they would opress the opportunites or the opinions of those that are different than they’re in an unfair and unacceptable behavior. Females tend to be in a more difficult position when they’re trying to make a voice for themselves, like the example of what anonymous guest 1 had suggested in her documented opinion. She faced difficulties while trying to make opinions about her ideas in a workplace which was resulted as constantly being interrupted by the others, while the same circumstances wasn’t an issue for her male colleagues. I think this is a big yet common problem around world that needs to be improved and overlooked. So to truly make a difference for these kinds of issues, I think it’s important for people to learn and to get to know each other’s better, placing respect and equality as the priority while one person is socializing with the other. It would be the best to start educating the general public from the roots, such as schools or other educational facilities, so that people could understand the importance of respecting each other’s since the beginning at a young age.

2, Interview a minimum of three people you know, either in online or person, to find out what issues and unequalities they care about

1, Interview with Caroline about “Woman’s right and Equality”

Conversation is the screenshot of the following:

2, Interview with Natasa about “Importance of respecting each other’s with socialization and communication”

Link to the voice call interview:

3, Interview with Wajiha about “inequality and woman’s right”

Conversation is the following screenshot:

Link to the voice call interview:

4, Interview with Cassie about “society classism “

3, Take photographs of anything and everything you see that relates to the theme of Demonstration

4, Collect images and word cuts from magazines, newspaper etc. that relate to the theme of Demonstration

5, Draw! Document anything and everything you see that relates to the theme of Demonstration using a range of drawing materials and techniques

An attempt at an illustration art work that cost me the entire day but resulted in failure. It was scrapped eventually.
Illustration portrait of one of my closest best friend Wajiha, whose what inspired me to do the woman’s right topic for this project. The art work took me over 8 hours to complete on Photoshop and is the first ever human digital artwork I had done on my life.
Illustration portrait of one of my closest best friend Natasa, whose also one of the person that inspired me to do the woman’s right topic for this project. The art work took me over 6 hours to complete on Photoshop and is the 2nd ever human digital artwork I had completed.
Completed character development designs for the final outcome of my project
Storyboard v2.0, Added dummy background for reference purposes only (Link to original background:
Background for the final outcome
Animation progression – Walking scene

6, Write down, or record (film or sound recording) a list of the issues you care about in your sketchbook or in the blog

As a person who’re constantly living with fear, anxiety and depression, while having a vast interest and knowledge about our world, the people and basically the entirety of the fundamental of this universe; there’s a broad varieties of issues and topics that I really care and deeply concerned about. However I will begin this listing section from critical ones that impacts me the most to the ones that are lesser leathal. The topics are demonstrated and explained as the following:

1, The condition, rights, and situation of the ones I care and loves the most

There’s nothing else in this world that matters as much to me other than the dearest people or animals that I care, love and treasures the most. They’re what defines my life, being the primary source of energy and encouragement that keeps me alive, positive and confident about myself, and I can’t imagine living in a world without their support and company. Because of this instance, I would always provide them with the very best of effort and resources to assist them as long as it’s under my capabilities of doing so. Unfortunately, a lot of them are expert very bad difficulties physically and mentally, and always puts me in a position of constantly concerning and worrying about their well being and overall condition. As a matter of fact, I had been spending a decent amount of time thinking and figuring solutions that could better benefits their situations, and then continued to take action on these plans according to the correct time and circumstances. A lot of these execution had proven affective and really helpful through the course of the past couple of years, and I will continue doing so until the the last days of my life.

2, Female rights and sexism issues

Most of those close people I mentioned in the previous section of the paragraph are mostly girls, and the majority of them had suffered difficult circumstances of unequality and sexism problem just because of their gender. To make matters worse, many of them live in the lesser developed countries in the world where laws and the mind set of general public with very unfair concept and rules between man and women especially for those places with Islam as their primary religion. Male not only have more authority over what are allowed and not allowed to do, but also have great control over female’s freedom and individual privacy. The situation is as bad as for example, if a women wants to do simple activities such as leaving the house for taking a walk, they would require permission from either their parents or legal partners. Woman in those places also have much lesser opportunities to speak for themselves and could suffer critical consequences if they run in to a serious negative problem, while man could get away more easily.

However, female unequality not only exist in less developed places, but also in many first world countries. The UK for example still have issues with women receiving lesser salary for the same type of jobs than men only because they’re female. Women also tend to have more difficulties seeking for a job in comparison to men, according to an article written by International Labor Organization. This problem is particularly critical in Northern Africa and the Arab States, where unemployment rates for women exceed 16%.

Scientifically researched and proven that male and female are the same in terms of every aspect apart from body and minor physical differences. Women have as much potential and capability as men and deserves to receive equal rights and opportunities. Despite the fact that the modern society has improved for female rights better than it has ever been in history, it is still far from perfection and still require a lot of improvements and adjustment. So to create asociety that would better benefit both men and women, gender equality is not only vital and important but also necessary and essential.

“The gender gap in employment: What’s holding women back? Link:”

3, Mental health and psychological well being

Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD and etc. is a very common issue that occured for many people in the modern society including myself and many close friends I know. With many years of experiences suffering from very difficult mental condition, I find often find myself sitting in an akward and disappointing position as lots of general public lacked the knowledge and empathy to understand for those who’re going through these circumstances. Depression for example, is a long, dark and painful process for those who’re struggling with it. People around them can feel drained and exausted especially when situations aren’t turning better for them. However, a person going through such condition require huge support and encouragement, but many people among the public doesn’t really have that mindset. For that reason, I find it extremely important and necessary to broaden the awareness of helping other’s understanding mental well being, and then to encourage them to support these people with kindness and open mind.

7, Create and filming / sound sketchbook. Record and sounds that relate in some way to theme of Demonstration

8, Write! This can be in note form from your sketchbook, using a mind map, or using word processing

Ideas and development for the construction of the Demonstration project:

The topic I will be primarily focusing for this project would center around Woman’s Right and Friendship about those that I care and love the most, and the final production will also result with something that relates to it.

Since this is a topic I’m very new and unfamiliar with, I was originally going to receive assistance from friends who live in London that could better guide and educate me in person. However, due to the Tier 4 lockdown in London and that drastic delay of my returning flight from Taiwan, I was unable to do that as originally scheduled and it very much made everything more difficult for me to proceed. Regardless of that circumstances, I have tried the best I can to gather as much information as I can despite of the very limited resources. The following section is about my ideas with what could work for my project and what might not.

After several discussion with my friends, I have thought about creating a short animation film with a story about the importance of equality and the injustice of unfairness around many societies around the world. The film could be length around 15 ~ 45 seconds, which is still very uncertain at this point. I would continue to explore and investigate more informations about this topic and construct further idea development according to the progressesion.

Prototype idea for the sequence of the first part of the animation outcome:

The main character will basically first appear looking hopeful with lots of talents and skills. She will be carrying sketchbooks, brushes and art supplies on her to demostrate her professionalism. Her goals are to resume her study by attending a Master degree and opening herself with opportunity in the art, design and animation career. However, the whole marriage stuffs land over her as the people in her society does not support her willingness, and then she would turn hopeless. An imaginary version of her life which shows the outcome of, if she did get to follow her dream would project beside the wedding stuffs around her, and a message would be delivered saying how marriage issues are ruining the lives for a girl’s goals, dreams and possibilities.

Narration voiceline (yet to be edited and shortened): Ever since I was little, I dreamt big.. things in my head were so different than the reality I lived in. Art was my passion, my heart was filled with hope and the thirst to prove myself. But it all changed one day as I awoke from the state of dream into a reality that had nothing but shackles of oppression, expectations. I tried to break them, but I realized freedom was no longer in my reach, it felt like I was falling in a pit of darkness away from the light of my dreams and hopes and there was nothing I could do to stop it. I tried to break them but I realized freedom was no longer in my reach, it felt like I was a bird in a cage who will never fly again, because her wings have been cut. Is this it? Is this the end? I wondered, will I ever see the sky again? after some time, I started to believe that this indeed is the end. My life is no longer my own.

External link:

“Why Are Women Leaders So Great, and How Do We Encourage More of Them?” article, link:

  • Secondary Research Tasks

The history of female oppression:

Lots of progress in the 20 century

1885 Ago of conad 160

WW1 = important as women took positions of power + showed that women can perform such roles

1918 – women over 30 have the right to vote if they are married to a property owner

1919 – First woman in the house of commons

1920 – The sex discrimination act was removed; this gave women access to legal profession and


1923 – Matrimonial Causes act (grounds for divorce for men and women became the same) 1925 – The law of property act (wife and husband can inherit property equally)

1928- The representation of the people act gave women the same voting rights and men 1929- First election where women could vote

1930 to 1940 — In the 2WW women were conscribed into non-combat war work. Originally it was unmarried women between the ages of 20 to 30 but then it extended to include women up to the age of

  1. 1948 – NHS, women had access to free healthcare

1956 – legal reforms female teachers and civil servants had the right to receive equal pay to men but In

most professions, it remained common practice to pay women less than men.

1956-rape = criminal offence (except if they are married)

1961 – Contraceptive pill became available on the NHS

1967- Abortion law reform -> access to safe abortions

1970- greater equality in the workplace

1974 – The pill was started being available to all women regardless of age or marital status

1975 – Sex discrimination act = it’s illegal to discriminate based on gender

1975 – employment protection act – illegal for employers to sack a woman because she was pregnant 1976 – Equal opportunities commissions came into effect to oversee the implementation of these


1980 to 1990 – More representation e.g. parliament

1983 – equal pay for work of equal value amendment

1990 – Third wave feminism

1991 – Martial rape = crime

2000s: maternity rights

State founded preschool (for both genders minimum 3 months) although women to get 18 paid weeks

2003 – men 2 weeks of statutory paternity leave

  • Research the work of two practitioners

Judy Chicago:

No list of feminist artists would be complete without the inclusion of Judy Chicago. Born Judith Sylvia Cohen, Judy Chicago legally changed her last name after her husband’s death in 1970. This act in itself identified Chicago as an emancipated, independent woman who embraced her feminist identity. 

From this point onward, Chicago set out to educate the world through her art. Chicagos’s oeuvre often incorporates the so-called ‘sister arts’ of craft; such as needlework, and still life, counterbalanced with stereotypical masculine skills such as welding and pyrotechnics.

Chicago’s most iconic piece The Dinner Party, made in 1979, changed the feminist art movement forever, and is still discussed in art schools worldwide. The installation saw 39 place settings arranged along a triangular table for various famous women. Each setting was embroidered with the woman’s name, and had a ceramic plate of a flower intentionally manipulated to look vaginal (as inspired by the Freudian readings of Georgia O’Keeffe’s flowers).

Still very much making waves, earlier this year Chicago played a key role in Dior’s January Haute Couture show. The show itself took place within the womb of a female deity and hanging within were giant 3 meter high embroidered banners all focused around Chicago’s key question: What If Women Ruled the World?. The art and fashion worlds collided on this occasion and joined forces to remind the world that there is still much to be done for equality. Chicago is a fierce artist who throughout her fifty-year career has celebrated women as sexual beings, creators, mothers and leaders. Without Chicago, the feminist art world would be a very different place.

Cindy Sherman:

Cindy Sherman is an American photographer and film director who has become best known for her conceptual portraits. Sherman often works as her own model and has captured herself in a range of guises and personas which are at once amusing and disturbing, distasteful and impactful. Her work somehow flits between being simple photography, and documented performance art.

Working since the 1970s, the photographer often toys with female stereotypes but, much like O’Keeffe and Kahlo, Sherman has never outrightly said she’s a feminist artist, preferring to allow her viewers to come to their own conclusions. She once said:

“The work is what it is and hopefully it’s seen as feminist work, or feminist-advised work… But I’m not going to go around espousing theoretical bullshit about feminist stuff.”

Referenced from article Source “The Feminist Artists Whose Work Changed the World”:

Woman’s right and feminism related memes:

By Richard Yu

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