December 17th 2020 session, assignment

The documentary Screenagers summarizes the problems of modern society where we face the decisions of whether to give their children a portable device or not. It was created by film director Delaney Ruston. I think that suggestions for the advices in the film is worth taking note but are not entirely reliable. There are many ways of dealing with this types of circumstances and there’s not a particular methods of proceeding so. However, the way the film producer chooses to express the documentary from the perspective of a modern parent trying to resolve the issues of a very common family problem, which is seemingly a good type of method in making the audiences relate to and better understand the solutions.

Captin Zips Video Trip is a documentary created by film maker Phil Munnoch in 1981. It’s demonstrate the everyday life of female punks that talks, smoking and get drunk in the streets and society of London.

Tokyo Techno Tribes is an informative documentary about contemporary urban life in the most technologically refined city in the world. Cyber youth cultures have developed through the imaginative and novel use of technology in the various media: music, art, pop, manga and fashion. Underlying social, cultural and economic trends are examined such as Japan’s unique, isolated island culture, the post-economic boom recession and changing altitudes towards the role of the corporation in everyday life…

As someone who spent most childhood growing up in an busy Asian society, I find myself relatable to lots of situations that were highlighted in these documentaries. The urban city life here has urged us to spend more time over with indoor or being online, but there’s no clear definition about whether it’s making positive or negative impact as it does come with great benefits and also unhealthy approach.

The above mentioned documentaries all share a common topic with each other’s, which is addressing the problem with the rise of cyber devices and online activities in the modern society. I think that the documentary is a good commentary for the general public to have a better understanding about the amount of issues we’re currently facing during this period and how we could react and maneuver our decisions to better adapt in to this phenomenon.

By Richard Yu

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