3 reflection blog post for the demonstration project

Due to the circumstance of my late submission of the project, all of the 3 required blog posts will be written on this very one to simplified the complexity. 

Blog 1 – 5 images and 150 words:

During the research process of this particular project, I had spent more effort on the primary research part unlike the Location project in which, secondary research played a bigger role. I spent a lot of time exploring and learning about the “woman’s right” topic via encyclopedias, websites, documentaries, videos, as well as discussing with several close friends who had experiences that are related to it. I then proceed to create art works in various forms that were inspired from those resources, which eventually turned in to the original idea development for the final outcome. During the process of working on the primary researches, I also collected a wide variety of information and sources which eventually proven to be really helpful for the result of my outcome. Since I wasn’t as much familiar with the topic during the beginning of the project, these details assisted and provided me with enough knowledge to understand the importance of addressing this issue and also giving me the opportunity to see and think things in other’s perspective, which is a really lethal requirement for creating a good video.

An artwork created by an anonymous artist, taken on the street as part of my primary research progression during the winter holiday

Blog 2 – 7 images and 200 words:

I practically started working on the primary idea for the final outcome only by the middle of January. It was very difficult for me in the beginning since I wanted to create something fresh and unique, a piece of work that’s short but also delivering a very impactful message. Upon discussion with several close friends who’re experienced in the field of the woman’s right topic, I came up with a couple ideas. I eliminate what’s seemingly too complicated, which led to the conclusion of the current version of the animation.

A second difficulty occurred quickly again when I have to begin doing the concept arts such character development and storyboard. Due to the lack of experiences with drawing human art works, I was very unsatisfied with the early result of this part of the progression. However, I worked really hard by taking important guidance and suggestion from various people, then practiced over and over again until it finally worked out the way I wanted it to be. These completed concept arts were also used partly within the final outcome as well.

In conclusion, the designing and drawing progression of this project is one of the most challenging I had encountered in quite a long time. That being said, trying new things is a spirit I truly embraces and I’m really happy to have successfully achieved my goals regardless of the difficulties. There were up and downs, fun and frustration, but I’m really grateful for this kind of experiences which usually led to the best of the most unexcepted.

Blog 3 – 10 images and 250 words:

The result of the final outcome was an effort completed not only by what I had created, but also with the help of many people such as the tutors and my friends, who had given me helpful suggestions which turned in to very inspirational creations. Regardless of my unfamiliarity with the woman’s right topic during the early stage of the Demonstration project, I had experienced a very educational and meaningful adventure and I had learned so much throughout this journey.

The success of this animation is a couple of 2D human animating techniques I had learned from the help of couple of friends and online tutorials. Since this is the first time I had ever animated a 2D human character, I had to made several attempts throughout error and mistakes before getting everything right in place as the way I wanted it to be. The background were completed taking references from several images I had found online, but had turned completely in to a piece of my own unique creation. During half way throughout my progression, I actually thought about making the video longer than the current version to demonstrate more information and details. However, it was deemed too complicated and that idea was eventually given up.

In the end, I’m actually pretty satisfied with the result even though it wasn’t as nicely done as I originally expected. A lot more details were skipped and I had to simplify the animation due to several technical difficulties and resources restriction. With the experiences after this project, I believe that animating 2D human animation would turn to be an easier and more pleasant subject to work on, and I’m really looking forward to do more videos like the one of this outcome if given the opportunity in the future.

By Richard Yu

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