Personal Project Proposal

I will be dedicating this project in creating an animation video that will demostrate the deforestation issue that impacted rainforests drastically throughout the course of the past 100 years. The audiences would witness the changes of the enviroment from the beginning where everything was in its original form, and how it changes as human development… Continue reading Personal Project Proposal

Research progression for the Personal “Transform” project

Primary Research: Research progression for the personal project brief (21st of March): • Consider what the word ‘Transform’ means to you: Write /draw 100 words, phrases, images, patterns, symbols, forms,shapes, textures, colors, sounds etc The word ‘transform’ can mean a lot of differently depending on the type of circumstances that’s going on. However, personally I… Continue reading Research progression for the Personal “Transform” project

Reflective Post For the Collection Project – 03012021

The past week of progression has been going smooth and up to date as expected. I had completed more primary and secondary research while also accomplishing multiple results from the workshop sessions. Besides that, some bases and concept fo the final outcome is coming together and I will continue to develope them in the upcoming… Continue reading Reflective Post For the Collection Project – 03012021