3 reflection blog post for the collection project

Due to the circumstance of my late submission of the project, all of the 3 required blog posts will be written on this very one to simplified the complexity. 

Blog 1 – 3 images and 150 words:

I always had the habbit of collecting anything that I personally find interesting ever since I was a child. They can varied from toys, models, clothes, items of used objects, historial antiques and etc. Primarily, I had the most attachemtents with toys and models as they had created countless extraordinary memories throughout my childhood while I’m playing around with them. I have huge collections of model cars, planes, ships and spaceships, which gave me the potential of creating any possible scenrios as long as they’re reachable in my imagination. For example, I would imagine myself driving the toy car I was playing and pretending I’m a street racer going against other drivers to compete and becoming the champion of the street racing. Other examples including imaginations of myself being the captain of a huge battleship and going in to combat fighting alien monsters, or flying a space ship and explore all the wonders of the galaxy like Captain James T Kirk and his crews from Star Trek. The endless possiblities of such fantasy world had inspired me in many of my previous and present works, which allowed me to transplant these ideas in to a more serious cinematic video or animation for the audiences to experience the wonderful journeies I had went through myself as a kid.

Blog 2 – 5 images and 200 words:

This particular project worked out easier for me than Demostration project, as I had been an experienced collector throughout my life and I have a lot of ideas about what I could do. I started the primary research from my very own room, where most of my collections are inhrited. Then I observed them one by one, document the process in photos and then proceed to develope further concept stories for the outcome according to that.

Besides the parts with the collection items, I had also participated many workshop session where the tutors instructed us creating various works that comes in the form of both drawing and videos. I personally find them to bea really fun, inspirational and also helpful progression whilelist building towards the goals of making the final outcome. One of the most intersting workshop session I had experienced was the virtual field trip character development, where we get to establish and draw out our own characters based on the collections we had observed through various different online museum. During that process, I made a character named Evelyn, whose design was made up of half human and half sea bird, wearing a light green dress that was found as part of the fashion collection of the V&A museum. She has a vehicle that’s a Ford Motel T which has the same green color as her dress, which made up a fantastic theme for the general appearance of the character.

Other primary research I had completed included a series of drawings of tanks and war vehicles, which were experimented with a color template that was later used for the animation of my final outcome. The idea was to use simple colored tiles and piecing them up in to making a more complex picture which would closely resemble an easily identifiable real life objects. The experiment was proven to be really helpful and effective and were later applied to the entire animation outcome.

The conclusion for this part of the research progression is mostly unexpected but also really meaningful and interesting. Even by the fact that I had encountered many difficulties throughout my journey which were unrelated to the project itself, I had eventually managed to made the best of what I can enjoy out of these progression and fulfilled the goals I had originally designated for myself.

Blog 3 – 7 images and 250 words:

The original idea of this outcome was inspired by my very own experiences, where as a child I would play with my model airplanes and pretended like I’m the pilot and flying this aircraft in an aerocombat. I would sunk so deeply in to my imagination and would felt as I’m actually in a life and death battle with the other planes, which was similiar to that of playing a video game. However they were put in a box on one of the shelf of our room as we grew up in to an adult, and they were lost and forgotten just like the many other items we had owned throughout our life. The animation took both concepts of imagining a toy/model plane becoming a real one in a real combat, and also the part where it was left in a corner and forgotten. Eventually I wished that the purpose of this video could pay a tribute to all of those collections we’ve had regardless of where and what they presently are by the fact that they will forever remain a very important part of our life by memories and by heart.

The final outcome of this project was also one of the longest and most time consuming work I had completed out of all the three projects I had so far accomplished. The most difficult factor lies on the fact that most parts of the videos were made of rotoscoping animation, which isn’t that hard to do but took a lot of efforts to went through. However, I could be a little slower than the other average animators because this was the first time I had ever attempted a rotoscoping animation. Eventually, I still felt like the effort was worth the time and the result was pretty remarkable in its own ways even tthough it isn’t as perfected as I originally imagined, especially because of the editing and the finally added background music.

In the end, I would like to once again thanking my tutors for their great support and understanding of my circumstance. Without their assistance, I don’t think I would have been able to accomplish this project at all so I’m really really grateful of that. Other than that, I feel like the experience with the rotoscoping animation I had completed throughout this outcome brought up many other possibilities for many other animation I could be doing in the future, regardless of whether its a personal or a university project. With the skills I had learned, many of the ideas I had dreamed of doing could finally become reality, which is something I’m really excited and also looking forward to do.

By Richard Yu

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