Personal Project Proposal

I will be dedicating this project in creating an animation video that will demostrate the deforestation issue that impacted rainforests drastically throughout the course of the past 100 years. The audiences would witness the changes of the enviroment from the beginning where everything was in its original form, and how it changes as human development started causing serious damage to the rainforests and its wild life. Based on the knowledge I had gathered during the course of the past couple of months, I had made huge improvement in regard to the techniques of 2D animation skills in Adobe Photoshop. I was primarily the most satisfied with the result from the Location project, so I’m intending to extend its concept and applying it on to the outcome of this project in order to create a more advanced version of my previous work.

The deforestation problem has been a major enviromental issue in the human history for many years, and I’m intending to project the criticality of this problem via the outcome animation of this project. Since I already had a wide range of experiences in terms of doing researches about the aspect of this topic, I should be able to easily regather these information and apply them as part of the progression. For example, books such as “Rainforest” (Oldfield, Sara. 2002) or “Journey into the rainforest” (Knight, Tim. 2002) are some of the references I could potentially take notes from, as these books discusses about the wild life and circumstances in the rainforest under excellent details and explanation. There are also various museums settled across London which I could visit and to gather what’s required to establish the outcome for this project.

The general idea for the outcome of this project is currently unclear, but I’m intending to gather various materials in both online and real life just like I did with the outcome of the Location project. I could collect real life photographs of different kinds of items such as the buildings, animals, treees etc, and compile them in to textures and base lines for the objects which will pose as the characters or the background of the animation video. The compiled items will be imported in to Adobe Photoshop where I would continue to accomplish most parts of the 2D animation through pose to pose and frame to frame animating techniques. I could eventually accomplish the outcome by editing the animation clips in proper sequences and applying background music and sound effects in the end.

During the process of working on the animating sections, I would seek for feedbacks by sending several copies of the animation footages to my tutors just to ensure that there’s no mistakes before I continue making any further progression. Finally, I will proceed a deep and careful assessment of my work by going through the videos repeatedly in order to confirm the completeness of the footages and the same also applies to the edited background sound effects. I would also invite several close friends to evaluate my outcome just to make addtional certainty about whether it’s truly perfectly suited for the final submission.


Oldfield, S. (2002), Rainforest. 1st edition. London : New Holland. (Accessed: 2021/03/23)

Knight, Tim. (2001), Journey into the rainforest. 1st edition. Oxford : Oxford University Press. (Accessed: 2021/03/23)

By Richard Yu

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