CCS Film Review and Research Progression – 2

Star Trek 11th of 13:

The Star Trek sequel is one of the classic science fiction movies around the world, and its 11th episode is the one that I’d like to recommend. This episode was directed by JJ Abrams and was released in 2009. It cost a total of $0.15 billion to produce and earned nearly $0.4 Billion at the box office, which also broke the highest record of Star Trek sequel. In addition to the box office success, the film won a number of nominations for the award and won the Best Stunts award at the Phoenix Film Critics Society Awards. The plot is set in the 23rd century. Mankind is able to travel freely in the universe, and is forming an alliance space fleet to maintain peace in the universe. The young and impulsive but intelligent human Kirk and extreme calm and logic Vulcan Spock, who is also the first Vulcan in the fleet, worked with each other from exclusion to become flawless working partners, and was finally able to lead the initiate voyage of the Enterprise starship team to defeat the brutal and aggressive Romulan fleet. Unlike the past, for many non-Star Trek fans, through the plot of this episode, they can get rid of the burden of not understanding the past series and hard to catch or follow the plot, contrarily, they are easily to indulge in the compact plot of the battle between good and evil and the mutual trust and love of the entire team. Some people have also interpreted that J.J. rebooted Star Trek through this episode, because this episode gave the Star Fleet a new start, and there is no in-depth engagement with the previous series. However, for a 43-year-old series films, there are many contradictions in the past series for the fleet to re-launch, from the appearance design of the Enterprise, the control equipment on the bridge to the clothing settings of the team members, if it is similar to the past film with whether it can be connected for re-launch is a big challenge. Director JJ has a very leap thought in this regard, here is what J.J said, “We had the weird challenge of having to take a 43 year old vision of the future and make it a current vision of the future. I wanted the movie to feel as tactile and tangible and as real as possible, but given what our computer interfaces are like now, its preposterous to assume that hundreds of years from now there won’t be some version of holographic screens and things that seem almost ubiquitous now in science fiction. So I try to never let that kind of stuff be the star of the movie or overtake the story. We also had to deal with the fact that we started the movie in one ship and later in the film go over to the Enterprise, which needed to be the next generation of ship. I tried to make the first one more submarine-like, clunky, darker, metallic, and then have the Enterprise feel much more bright and shiny and brand spanking new.” What other challenges when making this film? There are many scenes from outer space in the plot, such as the drilling plot of Vulcan, the glacier of Vega Four Stars, and even the engine room inside the Enterprise. They are actually shot in the United States, but director JJ’s mirroring by worked with special effects team, with their sophisticate skill and efforts, they have made the film present an unprecedented degree of realism. It can be seen that the skill and experience of director JJ is not ordinary. The Star trek film series is sponsored by the Paramount Pictures. It has been filming 13 episodes since 1979, and the TV series can be traced back to 1966. Since the first TV episode launch of NBC in the United States, more than episodes have been broadcast. To this day, Star trek TV series are still on. Recently, a hearsay floating around many trekkers through the web that Paramount is shooting an updated movie sequel, so, let us look forward to this epic space science fiction masterpiece can be broadcast as soon as possible, and will be able to continue to lead mankind explore in the vast universe and out space with creating endless imagination for the future of mankind.


Britt, Ryan, Inverse (2021). Let’s fly Star Trek: Strange new worlds release teased for 2021 in massive reveal. Available at (Accessed:2021/3/16)

Fandom, Wiki (), Star Trek (film). Available at (Accessed: 2021/3/12), Box Office Mojo (2009), Star Trek. Available at (Accessed: 2021/3/13)

Memory Alpha, Fandom Wiki (2009), Ask J.J. Abrams/Answers. Available at: (Accessed:2021/3/14)

By Richard Yu

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