Personal “Transform” Project: 4 Reflective Blog Posts

Link to the Outcome Animation Video on YouTube: 4 images and 150 words reflecting on your primary and secondary research, and howthis has been used to inform your ideas I have done extensive amount of primary and secondary researches ever since the initiation of Transform project, and they had made major influenced that inspired… Continue reading Personal “Transform” Project: 4 Reflective Blog Posts

Personal “Transform” Project: Secondary Research

Oxford Dictionary, definition of Transform: transform/transˈfɔːm,trɑːnsˈfɔːm,tranzˈfɔːm,trɑːnzˈfɔːm/ verb make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of. “lasers have transformed cardiac surgery” 2. MATHEMATICS change (a mathematical entity) by transformation. noun MATHEMATICS•LINGUISTICS ˈtransfɔːm,ˈtrɑːnsfɔːm,ˈtranzfɔːm,ˈtrɑːnzfɔːm/ the product of a transformation. Art of the title (2021), Designer Bill Kroyer Bill Kroyer is an American director of animated… Continue reading Personal “Transform” Project: Secondary Research

Personal “Transform” Project: Primary Research

Brief Description: The phrase “Transform” can have many meanings and definitions. Under my own circumstance for this particular project, I wanted to do an outcome associated with how one place or item could change throughout the course of time and space. I have developed extensively according to that idea, and accomplished my outcome with the… Continue reading Personal “Transform” Project: Primary Research