Accademic English Artist Statement

Project Description:

This project is about the deforestation issue based on the many disappearing forests around the world. It is demonstrated in the form of a game and you would play as a parrot escaping from the destruction of their rainforest home. The idea was inspired by the animation film “Rio2”, where the protagonist has to defend their home from the evil loggers destroying the forests. The primary theme talks about the global pollution and the importance of protecting the nature and its wildlife. In order to develop the outcome of this project, I took inspiration from several video games such as Flappy bird and Super Marios, and turned the concept in to a theme of my own ideas. The gameplay footage animations were primarily done in Photoshop, and a couple other details such as the sequence editing and the background sounds were completed in Cyberlink PowerDirector.

Biography – Describe yourself and your approach to your work:

My name is Richard and I’m from Taiwan, although I spent most of my life living in a multi-lingual and multi-cultural environment that inspired me to come and study in London. My dream is to become a professional animator, and I hope to create and establish my own animation studio in the UK in the future.

Project Name:

Parrot Run – A Deforestation Awareness Game Design Animation

By Richard Yu

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